Veil Of Secrets

Veil Of Secrets is a followup book to To Know You by Shannon Ethridge and Kathryn Mackel. I fell in love with To Know You and gave it 5 stars when I read it, but Veil Of Secrets even surpassed the first book. It was amazing. Veil Of Secrets switches viewpoints to follow Destiny's adoptive parents, Melanie and Will Connors. Will is the chief campaign strategist for a presidential candidate and is extremely busy with his job and has been living apart from Melanie on the campaign trail. Their marriage is falling apart and their daughter Sophie is in the middle. Along the way we also follow Carrie's story, which is a great story line on its own and a big part of the book.

I really can't say enough good things about this book, you just need to read it for yourself, because it's that amazing! I recommend reading To Know You first. I literally just couldn't put this book down. I read it in less than 24 hours and could've read it faster if I had the time! I love how the characters are Christian, yes, but they're not perfect. They're very real people with very real struggles and problems that I could relate to. I really hope there's going to be a third book, because a lot of loose ends were left at the end of the book. I'm assuming that's because there's going to be a third one, but there wasn't an ad in the back like on the first one so I'm a little worried. Please, Shannon, continue the story for us! I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian fiction.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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