The Jesus Code

The Jesus Code by Dr. O.S. Hawkins is a devotional book that guides you through 52 questions found throughout the Bible, and that every believer should be able to answer. Each question is followed by several pages of devotional thoughts and Scriptures that help answer the question. The book is a beautiful hardcover bound with imitation leather. I also appreciated the fact that all proceeds of the sale of this book go to support Mission:Dignity, a charity that supports aging, retired pastors and their wives living near the poverty level. What a great cause.

I really enjoyed this book. The introduction suggests doing one chapter a week as a one year study, but I'm planning to read one every day for 52 days instead. There isn't much in the way of discussion questions, Scriptures to meditate on/memorize, etc. to last for an entire week, so I would say that is the one weakness of the book. Stretching it to a weeks' study would be easier if there were questions to answer or Scriptures to memorize for each question. The questions themselves were thought provoking and great. I liked how it starts off in the book of Genesis with the first recorded question from the serpent in the Garden of Eden. It really sets the stage for the rest of the book. I'd recommend this book to anyone looking for a simple yet in depth Bible study. I'm very interested to read The Joshua Code now as well.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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