Captive In Iran

Captive in Iran: A Remarkable True Story of Hope and Triumph Amid the Horror of Tehran's Brutal Evin Prison by Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh is a captivating account (no pun intended) of Maryam and Marziyeh's arrest and imprisonment for converting from Islam to Christianity and advertising and promoting Christianity (a crime punishable by the death pentalty in Iran). This book walks us through the day of their arrest to the time of their release and briefly describes their immigration to the US. They hold nothing back in telling their story - the horrifying conditions in Evin prison, the other inmates and their stories, the interrogations, the torture, lack of medical care, and more.

This isn't a light and fun story, but I definitely enjoyed reading it. I couldn't believe just how people are living and treated in Iran, and it really opened my eyes to the situation and how desperate and horrifying it truly is. I believe this is an important book for every Christian to read. We have it so easy here compared to how people there are living. What more can we do to help them? This is an important question to ask ourselves. The courage, faith, and strength shown by Maryam and Marziyeh are commendable and truly helped strengthen my own faith. I feel even more blessed to have the opportunities to witness here in the US that I do have, and it compels me to act on them more than I have been.

My only complaint about this book is that I wish that we could've heard more of their story - more about their actions to witness before their arrests (we do hear some, but the story opens on the day of their arrest so they're "flashbacks"), and more about what has happened since their release. The conclusion sums up in just 2 or 3 pages how they fled Iran and fought for their immigration to the US. I do understand that had they explained all this in detail, the size of the book would've doubled - but I would've gladly read it! Also, the typeface was uncomfortably small. Again, I'm sure this is to preserve the length of the book. However, minor complaints, and I hope we hear from both ladies again soon in another book. Highly recommended.


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