Surviving Death

Surviving Death by Leslie Kean is an investigative journalist's deep dive into the afterlife and all of the current scientific studies and evidence we can examine. The back cover says:

"“While exploring the evidence for an afterlife, I witnessed some unbelievable things that are not supposed to be possible in our material world. Yet they were unavoidably and undeniably real. Despite my initial doubt, I came to realize that there are still aspects of Nature which are neither understood or accepted, even though their reality has profound implications for understanding the true breadth of the human psyche and its possible continuity after death.”

So begins Leslie Kean’s impeccably researched, page-turning investigation, revealing stunning and wide-ranging evidence suggesting that consciousness survives death. In her groundbreaking second book, she continues her examination of unexplained phenomena that began with her provocative New York Times bestseller UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record.

Kean explores the most compelling case studies of young children reporting verifiable details from past lives, contemporary mediums who seem to defy the boundaries of the brain and of the physical world, apparitions providing information about their lives on earth, and people who die and then come back to report journeys into another dimension. Based on facts and scientific studies, Surviving Death includes fascinating chapters by medical doctors, psychiatrists, and PhDs from four countries.

As a seasoned journalist whose work transcends belief systems and ideology, Kean enriches the narrative by including her own unexpected, confounding experiences encountered while she probed the question concerning all of us: Do we survive death?"

As a Christian, I believe in survival after death and don't need "proof" of it. However, I was interested to see what type of evidence and scientific studies have been done in this area because I hadn't heard about any studies of this nature being done. This book turned out to be an absolutely fascinating look at near death experiences, experiencing communication from relatives and friends after they've died, premonitions, visions, dreams, psychics, and much, much more. Some of these things are incompatible with my faith, but much of the information was incredibly interesting and informative. I don't find it impossible that God would give us glimpses of what comes after we die, because He can do anything. I really went into this with a huge grain of salt but much of the experiences discussed are almost beyond the realm of it being fake or trickery due to all of the proof and research done. Whatever your beliefs, I'd recommend reading this with an open mind. It's a definite page turner!

I received a copy of this book from Blogging For Books in order to provide an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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