The Trail

The Trail: A Tale about Discovering God's Will by Ed Underwood is an allegorical tale (there seems to be a lot of these being published lately) that will help you discover eight principles for discovering God's will for your life. The story follows Matt and Brenda, a married couple facing challenges and tough decisions, on a hike through the High Sierras with guide and former firefighter and current pastor Sam Lewis, who their friends Brian and Lindsey introduced them to. As they hike the trail, Sam gives them important instructions and the eight principles. The principles and Scriptures are summarized in the back of the book and there is also a discussion/reader's guide included.

I'm not a huge fan of allegorical fiction, so I wasn't expecting too much out of this book, to be honest. I normally have a difficult time reading this type of book because I'm generally the type of reader who wants either a non fiction book or a fiction book, not one mixed together. However, I did enjoy this book. The story was enjoyable and moved along pleasantly, and the spiritual truths were imparted well throughout the story. I'd recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian fiction and who is looking for some good tips on how to know God's will for your life.


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