World View

World View is a very unique book. It's a collection of columns that Marvin Olasky has written for World Magazine. I have never read World Magazine, so I went into this book blind and not sure what to expect. The back cover says:

"What would our common life be like if Christians were known not only for speaking truth, but also for demonstrating mercy? Marvin Olasky, best-selling author and editor in chief of World Magazine describes this kind of salty Christianity in a far-ranging collection of columns from World. As Dr. Olasky comments on world events and also shares his personal interactions, readers will be encouraged to bring both grace and truth to every encounter. While deeply committed to standing for biblical truth in the public square, Olasky is just as interested in Christians living out the biblical virtues of humility, kindness, and mercy in all of life. His call for biblical values to include both truth and grace, makes his voice stand out in a world that often falsely divides those goals and settles for a poor imitation of the robust Christianity he calls readers to. Curated collection of World columns that offer the best of Marvin Olasky. Sets forth a much needed vision for how Christians can speak truth and demonstrate mercy at the same time. A wonderful collection that all readers of World Magazine will want to have for their own library and an extra copy to share with a friend."

I really enjoyed this thoughtful collection of essays. It's an easy book to pick up and read a chapter and then put it down and pick it up again at a later time. This is the type of book you want to chew on for awhile while reading it. I appreciated that the articles ranged from 1998-2016 because it was neat to see the range of views and what people were thinking and talking about in the 90s and early 2000's versus today. I liked Olasky's balance between Biblical truth and grace. The range of topics in these essays were thought provoking and helped me to round out my views. In a time when people are constantly pushing the idea that Christianity is irrelevant and all Christians are stupid, bigots, and/or not critical thinkers, books like these are very important. We as Christians need to "prove the critics wrong", so to speak, by showing intelligence and balance in our worldviews. I highly recommend this book to all Christians.

I received a copy of this book from Litfuse in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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