
This is going to be a two part review. Tyndale was kind enough to send me copies of two of their new books: Enjoy!: The Gift of Sexual Pleasure for Women and The Married Guy's Guide to Great Sex, both by Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner. I'm always looking for ways to make my marriage stronger and better, and I really enjoyed the unique approach of a separate book for men and women rather than a "couple's guide" to sex. Most sex books are written towards the couple together, and the writing of a separate book to each allows the books to drill down more into different areas that apply to the husband and the wife. In this first part, I'll be discussing the women's book, Enjoy!. Check out my next post for the review on the husband's book. :) The back cover of Enjoy! says:

"Do you want a stronger, more exciting sex life with your husband? As a married woman, you have the power to increase sexual fulfillment for you and your husband―if you aren’t stymied by false assumptions about a wife’s role in sex.

In Enjoy: The Gift of Sexual Pleasure for Women, Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner dispel assumptions that can keep women from accepting and expressing their God-given sexuality in marriage. After more than forty years as sex therapists and educators, the Penners have learned what helps couples build lasting, mutually enjoyable sex in marriage. Their knowledge is culled from the stories of thousands of individuals and couples who sought help with frustrations and have found relief and mutual fulfillment.

In this book they share step-by-step, practical ways for wives to move from duty and disappointment to pleasure and fulfillment. Learn how the woman’s biblical role for sex in marriage is to pursue all of who she is sexually and share her sexuality with her husband, which will, in turn, increase his satisfaction.

Be empowered as a woman to embrace your sexuality and find deeper enjoyment with your husband. This title is a companion to The Married Guy’s Guide to Great Sex, also by the Penners."

I've read quite a few "sex manuals" for marriage, and a lot of them kind of repeat the same advice over and over. Enjoy! took a unique approach, in my opinion, and instead of saying "try this technique or that technique", it went much deeper into how your sexuality was developed from childhood to adulthood, what unique challenges you may hold mentally to a better sex life, and how to overcome your personal mental blocks or issues with sex. It does move on to physical issues as well, but I think it's smart to lay a good foundation in the beginning before moving onto physical issues and tips. Honestly, you can try all the physical tips in the world and it won't help (for women at least) unless you are in the right place mentally as well. You don't have to be in a crisis mode in your marriage to get something out of this book. I feel like this book can help enhance your marriage whether you are doing terrible, great, or just somewhere in between. Definitely recommended.

I received a copy of this book from the Tyndale Blog Network in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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