Rule Of Law

Rule of Law is the latest political thriller from Randy Singer. The last book I read of his was The Advocate, an absolutely breathtaking biblical fiction. One of Singer's many talents is his ability to cross genres! I was drawn to Rule of Law because it sounded intriguing and it's definitely something you could consider "ripped from the headlines". The description says:

"What did the president know? And when did she know it?

For the members of SEAL Team Six, it was a rare mission ordered by the president, monitored in real time from the Situation Room. The Houthi rebels in Yemen had captured an American journalist and a member of the Saudi royal family. Their executions were scheduled for Easter Sunday. The SEAL team would break them out.

But when the mission results in spectacular failure, the finger-pointing goes all the way to the top.

Did the president play political games with the lives of U.S. service members?

Paige Chambers, a determined young lawyer, has a very personal reason for wanting to know the answer. The case she files will polarize the nation and test the resiliency of the Constitution. The stakes are huge, the alliances shaky, and she will be left to wonder if the saying on the Supreme Court building still holds true.

Equal justice under law.

It makes a nice motto. But will it work when one of the most powerful people on the planet is also a defendant?"

I can't emphasize enough how much I loved this book! The story was at the same time compelling and scary, because I could imagine things like this actually happening in our world today. I couldn't put this down and stayed up late reading it to see how the story would end up. I loved Paige's character and Patrick (albeit he is a short lived character - no spoilers, this is spelled out on the back cover), and especially Patrick's dad. As "sleazy" as Paige's partner, Wyatt, is, he ends up being a lovable character as well. The incredible character development combined with the amazing plot made for a stunningly readable book. I can't recommend it enough. And at 456 pages, it's a nice thick book that will keep you busy for awhile (but not for too long - I dare you to try to put it down!). There's nothing I love more than picking up a thick book because I know there will be plenty of plot and development. Pick this one up today - you won't regret it!

I received a copy of this book from Litfuse in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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