
Secrets: A True Story of Addiction, Infidelity, and Second Chances by Jonathan Daugherty covers topics that are uncomfortable, but needful for Christians to learn about and discuss. Many Christian men (and women!) struggle with issues such as pornography or addiction, but often don't seek help due to embarrassment or fear. The book description says:

"Everyone has a secret or two areas of their life they would rather not share with the general public. But Jonathan Daugherty had a life-altering, relationship-ending secret that he wanted to keep hidden at all costs. And it did cost him. His secret snatched away contentment, peace, and the possibility of being known and loved for who he really is. That s what any addiction can do but in particular a sex addiction. When his wife finally realized who Jonathan really was and what he was really doing, their marriage seemed to be over. Jonathan shares honestly and courageously his story of pornography addiction to it and how he lost everything. But that s not the whole story. Someone else was at work while Jonathan was struggling his heavenly Father. At the lowest possible moment of his life, God stepped in and brought hope and healing. This is a story of loss and redemption that will give hope to anyone who has ever experienced the power of addiction and its life-destroying effects. Addiction doesn't have the last word in Jonathan's life or in his marriage. "

Secrets is a very small, short book that would be perfect to give to a fellow Christian who is struggling. This is a great resource for pastors or counselors to keep on hand to give away. Jonathan goes through his story in a very honest yet discreet way. He tells the whole story without going into salacious, unnecessary, or inappropriate details. Each short chapter ends with a takeaway, questions for reflection, and action steps to take. This book was at times difficult to read because of the heavy and depressing subject matter and I had to set it aside at times, but I highly recommend it to either anyone struggling with these issues or anyone who is looking for resources for these issues.

I received a copy of this book from Litfuse in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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