Fearless Parenting

The cover and description of Fearless Parenting George Barna and Jimmy Myers really grabbed me from the get-go. I have a teenage son, a preteen daughter, and an elementary age daughter and son. I often fear many things about the culture, environment, and what they are exposed to every day. Fearless Parenting seemed like the perfect resource for me. The book description says:

"Conscientious parents who long to bring their children up as good Christians and good citizens face an uphill battle. In a culture of rampant narcissism and moral anarchy, righteous living isn't easy and it isn't popular. But positive cultural transformation happens quietly, one life at a time, and that is good news for parents.

In this hopeful book, world-renowned researcher George Barna and nationally respected counselor Jimmy Myers offer parents a plan of action to raise healthy, godly children in a morally bankrupt culture. If the parents of this generation want to see their children grow up with their faith and consciences intact, they cannot afford to simply react, making it up as they go along. They must approach their responsibilities to parent their children with intentionality and consistency. This eye-opening book helps them do just that."

I am not exaggerating when I say that Fearless Parenting is THE BEST parenting book I've read all year. In fact, I'd go so far to say that this might be the best parenting book I've ever read in my life (and I've read a lot of books). I was so encouraged and uplifted by the words in this book. Barna and Myers don't sugercoat the reality of the world and culture, however they infuse each page with the reminder that our true hope is in Christ and that we need to train our children well and then release them into the world to be witnesses for Christ. There were also many practical tips and advice for parents. There were a couple of things in the book that I didn't agree with (they seem to be against homeschooling and private Christian schools; they suggest skipping church once in awhile to do fun family activities - that's what the other six days of the week are for!). However, apart from those two small issues, the rest of the book was incredible. It's the type of book I'll be turning to again and again. I already lent it out to my Sunday School teacher's wife, and foresee lending it out many more times. Highly recommended for all Christian parents.

I received a copy of this book from Baker Books in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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