Every Piece of Me

Jerusha Clark's new book, Every Piece of Me: Shattering Toxic Beliefs and Discovering the Real You focuses on the seven "I Am" statements that Jesus made which are recorded in the Bible. The book description says:

"Throughout Scripture, God reveals himself as the great I Am. He does not define himself with reference to any thing, person, or trait. He is, and that is enough. Women find themselves in a far different situation. When we introduce ourselves, we typically describe ourselves in terms of our relationships (the wife, mother, daughter, sister, or friend of someone else) or in terms of our accomplishments (our title, position, education, or accolades). When our identity is wrapped up in these external things, we inevitably (and exhaustingly!) strive to prove ourselves worthy of love, attention, or affirmation.

God never meant for us to focus on whether we are "enough," whether we measure up. He made us--every piece of us--to be just as he is.

Jerusha Clark discovered this while exploring Jesus's seven powerful "I am" statements recorded in the Gospel of John. She invites women to join her in embracing the life and truth of these words, relishing the freedom of an identity fixed on Christ alone while leaving behind fear, bitterness, busyness, and toxic thoughts that steal our joy and limit our power."

Jerusha takes us through 11 chapters discussing how God is the I Am, the modern idols we have and their roots, and much, much more. Each chapter includes a short little story from Jerusha's life, Scriptures, an application from the Scriptures, discussion/personal reflection questions, and recommended reading. There were some good quotes and takeaways in the book, but it was a bit of a slow starter for me and I had trouble getting into it at times. It's the type of book that's best read one chapter at a time, devotional-style, as opposed to reading in one sitting. It did give me some good things to ponder and helped me understand the character of God and Jesus much better. I recommend this book to Christian women who are seeking to discover who they are and how God truly sees them.

I received a copy of this book from Baker Books in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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