Union With Christ

Union with Christ by Rankin Wilbourne pulls from the rich history and tradition of the Christian faith and provides a contemporary, easy to understand exposition of union with Christ - what it is, what it means for us as Christians, and how to attain it. The book description says:

"To experience why the gospel is good news and answer life’s most foundational questions about identity, destiny, and purpose, we must understand what it means to be united to Christ.

If you are a Christian, the Bible says that Christ has united his life to yours, that you are now in Christ and Christ is in you. This almost unfathomable truth is the central theme of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Yet few Christians today experience or enjoy this reality. Union with Christ reveals the transformational power of this ancient doctrine while addressing the basic questions of the human heart:
Who Am I?
Why Am I Here?
Where Am I Headed?
How Will I Get There?
Nothing is more practical for living the Christian life than union with Christ. The recovery of this reality provides the anchor and engine for your life with God—for your destiny is not only to see Christ, but to actually become like him."

I was a little worried that Union With Christ would be over my head - too esoteric, impractical, or theologically minded. However, as soon as I read the introduction I knew that this would be a very accessible book. Wilbourne manages to package the sometimes difficult concepts into easy to understand language with practical examples and real world applications for a book that is easily readable and highly practical, yet very firmly grounded in the truth of God's Word. This is the perfect book for anyone who has trouble transferring the head knowledge they receive from God's Word, sermons, and church to their everyday practical life. I know that I have personally experienced frustration in this area as well. Union With Christ is a great tool to turn that head knowledge into an active, vibrant relationship with Christ that will transform your whole life. Highly recommended.

I received a copy of this book for the purpose of providing an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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