The 10 Myths Of Teen Dating

I was interested in reading The 10 Myths Of Teen Dating: Truths your daughter needs to know to date smart, avoid disaster, and protect her future by father-and-daughter team Daniel and Jacquelyn Anderson because I have two daughters. They're not quite dating age yet (they're nearly 11 and 8, respectively), but I want to prepare early so I will be ready when the time comes. The back cover says:

"There's no greater moment of panic in a parent's life than when their daughter begins to date. Due to their lack of knowledge about the world their teens face coupled with the scant dating information they received as teens, many parents feel ill-equipped to guide their daughters through the minefield that is teen dating.
And by the same token, teenage girls crave information about dating and relationships. And left to their own devices, many will develop their own assumptions about dating by talking to their friends or watching the latest TV shows and movies. But that will only lead them down a path toward heartbreak.
So how do you engage your daughter in discussions about dating, relationships, and her future happiness? Expert educator Daniel Anderson and his twentysomething daughter, Jacquelyn, help you navigate the biggest dating myths, including: the myth that a boyfriend will make your daughter happy, that she should trust her feelings, or that sex will enhance her relationship. Combining the latest scientific research with poignant personal stories, as well as proven truths and practical application, "The 10 Myths of Teen Dating" will equip you to teach your daughter how to date smart for today and tomorrow."

The ten myths covered in this book about teen girls dating are: If I Had a Boyfriend I Would Be Happy, I Should Trust My Feelings, I'm in Love, Sex Will Enhance My Relationship, Love and Sex Are the Same, Sex Comes without Consequences, It's Okay to Break Up and Get Back Together, He Will Never Hit Me Again, A Rebound Relationship Is Just What I Need, and Serial Dating and Living Together Will Help Me Stay Married. This book is unique because it's written together by a father and daughter. I was a little put off after reading the introduction because he immediately stated that this was not a Christian book or a book that is necessarily just for Christians, and that "in a perfect world, the teachings of the Bible would be all we need". Well, I do believe that the Holy Scriptures provide every principle and answer we need for life and any successful application will be drawn from the Scriptures. However, I do appreciate the fact that he wrote this book to reach a very wide audience so hopefully many people will read it and the scene of teenage dating will change in the wider world as well, not just the Christian world. With that said, this is a great and extremely realistic look at teenage dating and the smart way to deal with your children during their dating years. It encourages open conversation and honesty and draws on a lot of recent and great research. I recommend this book to any parent with pre-teen or teenage daughters.

I received a copy of this book in order to provide an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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