Jesus And The Beanstalk

Abingdon Press brings us the uniquely titled book Jesus And The Beanstalk: Overcoming Your Giants and Living a Fruitful Life by Lori Stanley Roeleveld. At first I was hesitant to read this book due to the strange title, but you definitely can't judge a book by its cover (title)! Don't pass this one up due to the quirky title. The book description reads:

"We live in unsettling, challenging times. Everywhere we look, we see giant problems: giant obstacles to sharing faith, giant barriers to peaceful lives, giant strongholds of fear. But what if you knew eight small secrets to unlocking a strength big enough to overcome whatever obstacle life may bring?
Using allegory and a bit of humor, Jesus and the Beanstalk explores a passage in 2 Peter 1 to uncover eight truths that will help you unleash a larger-than-life faith:
· Faith
· Goodness
· Knowledge
· Self-control
· Perseverance
· Godliness
· Affection for others
· Love

In this creative, refreshing perspective on spiritual growth, you will discover an unyielding strength when you tap the power of a God who is stronger than any beanstalk and bigger than your biggest giants.


“Jesus and the Beanstalk is crafted to touch mind, heart, and soul. It has no lesser goal than to remind all believers that they are giant killers. In an age when there are many new and frightening affronts to people of faith there is no better time to be reminded that giants can be felled by faith and determination.”
~ Alton Gansky, Award winning author of over 35 books

"Lori Stanley Roeleveld has given us new spiritual and practical motivation for increasing our ministry effectiveness. This book is refreshing and relevant to daily life. Lori weaves creative, practical and powerful possibilities for us, as disciples to live out our faith through sharing Christ in encouraging ways." ~ Rev. Jim W. Hollis"

Jesus And The Beanstalk Is divided into three parts: Jesus And The Beanstalk, Trading In Our Cows, and Clinging To The Vine. Parts one and two guide us through the allegory of the Jack and the Beanstalk story and what it has to do with Jesus and how it applies to our lives. Part three takes us on a journey through the eight truths/virtues from 2 Peter 1 (mentioned above). Each trait is given a six day Bible study to study and apply to your life, including questions to answer. This is such a wonderful way to truly work these attributes into your life and go deep into the Word and truly receive a takeaway from the book. I love books that not only contain spiritual truths, but also gives you practical applications you can take and apply to your life immediately. I just loved Lori's writing style - so profound, yet so practical. I really enjoyed the topics and ideas she tackled. They were very relevant to today's world and the times we live in. I appreciated her exposition of us, Christians, being up against the "giants" and how God actually loves small. It was so encouraging. I highly recommend this to every Christian looking to grow in their faith.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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