His Treasure

His Treasure: Gems Of Love From Your King is a devotional-style book by Sheri Rose Shepherd. Each devotion includes a "letter from God", a "Treasure of Truth", and a Scripture or two pertaining to the subject.

I really don't like writing negative reviews, and I like Sheri Rose Shepherd (I read, reviewed, and enjoyed Your Heart's Desire), so let me start with the positive. This book is absolutely beautiful. It's a gorgeous padded hardcover book with stunningly beautiful color pages inside with lovely illustrations. It looks like it would be a great book to present as a gift.

On the negative side, I did not like the style of Sheri writing letters "from God". She speaks in the first person tone as if she's speaking directly from God to you. I've not really seen this writing style before (other than the aforementioned Your Heart's Desire, but in that book it was brief blurbs here and there, not the whole book, so I just skimmed/skipped over them) and it makes me *extremely* uncomfortable. As a human being, I don't feel right putting words in God's mouth and speaking/writing them as directly from Him - I feel like it's a scary thing to put words in God's mouth that didn't come directly from His Word - the Bible. I understand what she's trying to do here, but it feels wrong in my spirit. God has given us all the Words He wants to give us in the Bible, and I don't feel like it's our place to give Him new words that we've made up and sign His name to it.

I know Sheri has a heart for the Lord and helps many women, but a better writing style probably would have been as a form of prayer TO the Lord, as opposed to a letter directly (supposedly) FROM the Lord. Because of all this, I can't personally really recommend this book. I'm sure others may feel differently and that's okay, too.


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