Bridge To Haven

Bridge To Haven is Francine Rivers' latest book. I was so excited she was finally releasing a new book and couldn't wait to read it! The story is (very, very) loosely based on the book of Ezekiel. Abra was abandoned as a newborn and adopted by Pastor Zeke and his wife, Marianne. They also have a 5 year old son, Joshua. When Marianne dies from a heart condition, Abra is given up at the age of 5 to another family. The book follows her tumultuous life and eventual return and redemption.

I really, really loved this book. I literally just could not put it down. I read the whole thing in less than two days. The story was captivating and I kept wanting to turn the pages to see what would happen next. At times I just wanted to shake Abra and make her wake up and act right, but that frustration kept the storyline going. There was a rather surprising plot twist right at the end of the book that I didn't see coming. I always kind of roll my eyes when someone says a work of fiction "healed their heart", but that's exactly what this book did for me. I could relate with a lot of Abra's struggles, and the reminder of God's relentless, pursuing love was wonderful.

One complaint I have about the book is that a major plot point was not resolved and literally just left hanging on the last page. I'm hoping this means that Francine is writing a sequel to this book, or that it's the beginning of a series! I'd love to take another peek back in Abra and Joshua's world. Also, (spoiler alert) I overlooked it because I understood what Francine was trying to do, but I thought it was a bit weird and gross that Abra and Joshua ended up getting married seeing as though they were adoptive siblings and raised together like full blood brother and sister for five years. But if you can get past that, it's a great book. I highly recommend it!


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