The Mediterranean Love Plan

I was excited to read The Mediterranean Love Plan: 7 Secrets to Lifelong Passion in Marriage by Stephen and Misty Arterburn (with Becky Johnson) because I've always been fascinated with the exotic romantic locations of the Mediterranean: the food, the sights, the passion. This book promises to bring secrets from around the world into your home and marriage right here in America. The back cover says:

"The Mediterranean Love Plan unveils the “7 Secrets of Passion” from some of the most romantic countries in the world: Italy, France, Spain, Greece and Israel.

Most couples marry in a flurry of passion, but soon find themselves wondering “How do we keep love interesting, fun and romantic? How do we keep the spark growing for decades?”

Steve and Misty Arterburn offer unique, ground-breaking answers to these age-old questions.

Romance is much more than a date night out or a week away. A passionate, long-lasting love requires two people who are sensually in love with life and each other. In this fascinating book, the authors explore research on seven activities that prompt passion, then describe how Mediterranean cultures practice these secrets in everyday life. Steve and Misty also share how these fun-to-apply secrets have taken their own marriage from confused to confident, from discouraged to delighted– and how you can do it too. The Mediterranean Love Plan will help couples become more playful, creative, connected and romantic -- burning with passion that stands the test of time."

This book started out strong and interesting, lagged in the middle, and then picked up again in the last two chapters. I particularly enjoyed the chapters focused on health and longevity and Biblical romance focusing on the Song of Solomon. I was immediately discouraged when I read the introduction, though, because it clearly and emphatically states that you can't do this book alone and must have your spouse along for the ride. My husband won't read books with me and 90% of the ideas in this book he wouldn't want to try with me. I did glean some nice tips that I can incorporate on my own and some ideas that he would enjoy as well. I recommend this book to couples who are looking for a fun plan to try together.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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