Brave Is The New Beautiful

I was interested in reading Lee Wolfe Blum's new book, Brave Is The New Beautiful, because I'm not a very brave person. In fact, I could be described as timid, shy, meek, or basically any word you can think of that is the opposite of brave! I'm always looking for ways to step out and become a bit more brave and bold. The book description says:

"In a culture that bombards women with "thinspiration" messages and pressure to "do it all" while wearing the mask of perfection, women are left feeling alone and overwhelmed. How can they stop comparing themselves to others? How can they live out who they really are?

Lee Wolfe Blum offers stories from everyday women who have answered these questions with their lives—and found true beauty in the process. In Brave Is the New Beautiful, Blum weaves reflections from her own journey with inspirational stories from everyday women who chose to take off their masks and live authentically. Through call-to-action questions and ideas, she encourages readers to be brave enough to be who they really are and the beloved that God knows they are."

Brave Is The New Beautiful was the most powerful books I've read in a long, long time. I picked it up to read a chapter or two and didn't put it down till the last page. Each chapter details one "brave" story from either Lee or another woman she knows. Reading all these heartfelt stories encouraged me and made me feel more connected to the larger Christian community. I could relate on so many levels to Lee and the other women as well, and their stories resonated with me on a deep level. I loved Lee's mission of encouraging women to be more brave with sharing their stories and being real, open, and honest. I highly, highly recommend this book to every Christian woman.

I received a copy of this book from Litfuse in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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