Zip It: The Keep It Shut 40-Day Challenge

I read and reviewed Karen Ehman's book Keep It Shut: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All back when it first came out. While I liked it, it just felt like there was something missing and I had trouble truly connecting with it. Zip It: The Keep It Shut 40-Day Challenge provides the missing piece to the puzzle that Keep It Shut just didn't provide - and that's the take-away action plan. The back cover says:

"Zip It empowers readers to put into action the advice and commands of Scripture concerning the tongue. The New York Times bestselling book Keep It Shut covered many topics, including anger, truth-telling, people-pleasing, our digital tongues online, and gossip. Because there are more than 3,500 verses in the Bible that relate to our words and our silence, Keep It Shut only scratched the surface of these issues. Karen Ehman now takes a deeper look and offers practical how-to’s that will inspire you use your words to build, to bless, to encourage, and to praise.

Each of the forty interactive entries includes a Scripture verse focus for the day, a story or teaching point, and reflection questions with space for readers to write their answers and thoughts. Each entry ends with both a challenge that will help you carry out the directive in the verse and a prayer prompt. Rather than a traditional devotional,the entries in Zip It build upon each other, equipping you with new habits in how to, or not to, use words."

I really, really needed this book. Words and the tongue are some of my greatest struggles in my Christian walk. Honestly, what woman (and man, really) *doesn't* struggle with their words? Whether it's gossip, criticizing, foolish talk, hurtful words, angry words, or any other combination, everyone struggles in some way with this. Like the Bible says in James, the tongue is a "fire, a world of iniquity ... that defileth the whole body ... and it is set on fire of hell ... an unruly evil, full of deadly poison that no man can tame". Zip It gives a comprehensive plan to conquer your speech, regardless of what type of sin you struggle with. Each of the 40 days of challenges include a Scripture verse to focus on, an illustration/lesson, "Today's Takeaways" to apply to your life that day, Lessons For The Lips (practical tips and challenges for the day), and a prayer to pray over your day to seal your intentions and seek God's help. I highly recommend this book to every Christian struggling with issues of the tongue. This book will help you overcome your struggles.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in order to provide an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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