Door To Freedom

After reading Jana Kelley's first book, Side By Side, I absolutely couldn't WAIT to pick up the sequel, Door To Freedom! I loved the story of Michael, Mia, and their children living and working in Sudan while trying to (covertly, as it's illegal there) share their Christian faith. Side By Side and Door To Freedom are based on true events. If you haven't read Side By Side yet, do pick it up and read it before reading Door To Freedom! The book description of Door To Freedom says:

"It's rough and it's smooth. It's dark and it's light. It's a masterpiece. It's us. Here in Sudan. We are scared of it and drawn to it. There is an open door, and there is much opposition.
In the dusty, Islamic country of Sudan, Mia, who is raising her family in a Muslim country, has learned to boldly share her faith. Rania, the daughter of a wealthy Sudanese Arab, seeks to find the reason for her sister's sudden disappearance. Mia holds some of the answers, but both women quickly discover they must each walk through their own doors to freedom, the freedom that only comes when you trust God's sovereignty more than manmade security.

Part of New Hope Publishers' line of contemporary missional fiction, Door to Freedom, the sequel to Side by Side, opens the reader's eyes to modern-day persecution and the life of Muslims in Sudan. Based on real-life events, Door to Freedom also reveals some of the struggles that Christians face when living under Islamic law. The reader will be inspired to pray for those who are persecuted for their faith as well as for the salvation of the persecutors."

I loved Door To Freedom so much - I just couldn't stop turning the pages. I was captivated by the rich descriptions of Sudan and its people, and I learned so much about the Sudanese culture and the Muslim religion. Not only that, Jana provides an insider look at what it's like for Christians living in Sudan and how difficult it is to evangelize there. My only complaint is that I wanted to learn some more about characters and stories that we didn't receive much, if any, followup on. I see that this is a two book series, but I want more! I hope Jana returns, if not with this particular series, with a new series of books based on missionaries. She's a very talented writer and this book kept me up late into the night, wanting to find out what would happen. I highly, highly recommend both Side By Side and Door To Freedom to anyone who enjoys Christian fiction, especially about missionaries.

I received a copy of this book from Litfuse in order to provide an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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