With All Due Respect

I was really interested in reading With All Due Respect: 40 Days to a More Fulfilling Relationship With Your Teens & Tweens by Nina Roesner and Debbie Hitchcock because I have a just-turned 14 year old who has always been a difficult child and is now a difficult teenager. I have tried many different tactics, but I hadn't tried this one yet. The concept intrigued me and I liked the way it was broken up into a 40 day challenge. I love it when there's a clear cut plan laid out that I can follow step by step, broken down into specific actions. The book description reads:

"With All Due Respect is a handbook for parents navigating the difficulties of the tween and teen years. Roesner and Hitchcock help parents identify what successful relationships look like and give easy-to-follow lessons in enforcing rules, communicating lovingly, resetting relationships, overcoming fears and exhaustion, and handling rebellion. Each day features a story every mom can relate to, down-to-earth questions to think about, and a prayer to launch an action plan. As a result, the reader gains new skills and perspective, greater strength, and an ability to live out faith daily as never before. With All Due Respect is for all parents seeking not only to connect more deeply with and positively impact their teens and tweens, but also to grow more deeply in faith through the process."

One of my pet peeves about parenting books is that they're often written by people who haven't had a truly challenging child before, or who still just have babies. When I picked this book up, I wondered if the authors had ever dealt with a very difficult teenager, or if they had kids who already behaved great! I was super reassured to read the intro from Debbie. She has a LOT of experience with a difficult teenager - so much, in fact, that she had to put her in residential treatment in order to heal the family and get the child the help they needed. As soon as I read that, I was immediately reassured that this was going to be a powerful and impactful book. Each of the 40 chapters includes a Scripture passage, the dare, illustrations and stories, practical advice, "The Bottom Line" summing up the point of the chapter, a "What About You?" section with questions for journaling or reflection, and closes with a prayer to pray to help you with that day's dare. This is truly a wonderful and very needed book. I am starting the dare today, and hoping that in 40 days I will see a big change. I highly, highly recommend this to every parent with a teenager. I haven't yet read The Respect Dare (for women with regards to their marriage relationship), but I'll definitely be picking that up ASAP now that I've read With All Due Respect.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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