Jesus Talked To Me Today

Jesus Talked to me Today: True Stories of Children's Encounters with Angels, Miracles, and God is a compilation of 41 short (2-4 page) stories. Based on the title, I was expecting the stories to be more by children, but they were all written by adults recalling memories they had from childhood or when they were teenagers, or stories related to them by other children. Some of the stories were very unclear as to who the story happened to or how the author knew about it, so that was a bit confusing. The book is written in a Chicken Soup For The Soul style, so if you like that series you will probably enjoy this book. The book description reads:

"A Heartwarming Story Collection of Children's Encounters with God, Angels, and Miracles

Children have a special place in Jesus' heart. He said they are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, and their angels continually see the face of God. Perhaps that's why children seem to be more receptive to supernatural experiences than adults.

This new collection reveals how God works in the lives of these precious little ones. It contains the touching true stories of children who have heard Jesus speak, encountered angels, and experienced miracles. We could all use more childlike faith, and these stories "from the mouths of babes" will encourage readers to be open to hear from the Lord in a fresh, sweet, and pure way."

While this book wasn't quite what I expected, it was a cute little book. I enjoyed most of the stories. The stories are short and easy to digest, so it was easy to pick the book up and read one or two stories and then put it back down and save it for later. This book might be a good resource for pastors, Sunday School teachers, and other people in the ministry to use as illustrations and examples in sermons and lessons. Some of the stories were a bit dubious, but others were quite touching. I recommend this book especially to people who enjoy the Chicken Soup For The Soul series and ministry leaders.

I received a copy of this book from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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