The Berenstain Bears' Caring and Sharing Treasury

I recently read my first book in the Berenstain Bears' Living Lights series (Schooltime Blessings) and was excited to receive The Berenstain Bears' Caring and Sharing Treasury. It's five Berenstain Bears Living Lights books bound in one nice hardcover volume. My younger children (6, 8, and 10) absolutely love the Berenstain Bears and have enjoyed adding the Living Lights books to their Berenstain Bears collection. The book description reads:

"Time after time the Living Lights, Berenstain Bears series has attracted young readers through creative and engaging stories that not only entertain but teach values and life lessons. Now, five of the series’ most loved books are available in a comprehensive bind-up. This Living Lights collection Back to School is sure to be a popular choice for Berenstain Bears readers who have enjoyed the series in the past.

This collection includes:

- Jobs Around Town

- Get Involved

- Love Their Neighbors

- The Biggest Brag

- Gossip Gang"

These five books were written and illustrated by Jan and her son Mike, presumably after Stan passed away several years back. Each book has a theme Bible verse on the first page that sets the tone for the lesson that will be presented in the story. Biblical concepts covered in this collection include using your talents for God's glory, helping the needy, loving your neighbors, gossiping, and being humble. As in the other Living Lights books, the illustrations look slightly different than in the classic Bear books. I'm guessing this is due to Jan becoming older and her son, Mike, taking over much of the illustrating duties. However, my kids don't seem to notice these small differences. The books themselves are great. I love that all Berenstain Bears books, the classics and these Living Lights books, teach moral values and lessons in each story. The benefit of the Living Lights books is that they're overtly Christian and teaching moral truths supported by Scriptures. My kids love this library of Living Lights books. I highly recommend the Caring and Sharing Treasury for any parent wanting quality books to add to their child's library.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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