The Secret To Hummingbird Cake

The Secret To Hummingbird Cake by Celeste Fletcher McHale is an atmospheric tale chock full of Southern charm. Part chick lit, part inspiration, part Fried Green Tomatoes, this engaging and unique tale highlights the lifelong friendship between Carri, Laine, and Ella Rae. I was looking for a book that was a comfortable, fun, easy read that still packed an inspiring punch and was full of depth, and this one fit the bill. The book description reads:

"“Why won’t you just tell me what’s in that cake?” I’d been trying to get Laine’s recipe for years. We all had.

When all else fails, turn to the divine taste of hummingbird cake.

In the South you always say “yes, ma’am” and “no, ma’am.” You know everybody’s business. Football is a lifestyle not a pastime. Food—especially dessert— is almost a religious experience. And you protect your friends as fiercely as you protect your family— even if the threat is something you cannot see.

In this spot-on Southern novel brimming with wit and authenticity, you’ll laugh alongside lifelong friends, navigate the sometimes rocky path of marriage, and roll through the outrageous curveballs that life sometimes throws . . . from devastating pain to absolute joy. And if you’re lucky, you just may discover the secret to hummingbird cake along the way."

From page one, The Secret To Hummingbird Cake pulled me into the rich, layered, sometimes difficult world of Carri, Laine, and Ella Rae. I left this book wanting to be friends with them myself! I found myself longing for such a deep and rich connection with friends as they had in this story. This book wasn't quite what I expected - while fun, light, and humorous at times, it also touched on some incredibly difficult themes - love, heartbreak, infidelity, and loss. It's the type of book that can make you laugh out loud on one page and having you wiping away tears on the next. I was absolutely captivated by the small Southern town setting for this book - living in Los Angeles my entire life, I love getting the feel for small town charm that I've never experienced. I could vividly imagine the setting and characters and felt like they were real. While this is labeled as a Christian book, the faith and Christian themes are a very mild portion of the book and almost hinted at rather than outright stated in the story. I felt this element could've been a little stronger, but this book will appeal to a wide audience due to the subtleness of this element. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good Southern lit or chicklit read.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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