The Gentle Art Of Discipling Women

I was excited to receive a copy of The Gentle Art of Discipling Women: Nurturing Authentic Faith in Ourselves and Others by Dana Yeakley to review. As a member of a large and active Sunday School class and care group leader, I frequently have the opportunity to disciple Christian women who are newer and younger in the faith. I sometimes feel unprepared or uncomfortable when called upon to disciple other women, so I'm always looking for tools to help me feel more confident in helping others. Books like this can be very helpful in the process of discipling others. The book description reads:

"Discipleship is a responsibility of every believer, yet many of us avoid doing it because we don’t know where to start. The Gentle Art of Discipling Women provides a framework for discipleship from the mentoring voice of a seasoned discipler. Dana Yeakley walks with you through the foundational principles of who you are in Christ and how you are uniquely equipped to pass along what He has taught you.

The book is divided into two parts:
Be a Disciple: Four foundational truths (We Are Becoming; We Are Forgiven; We Have Access; We Are Safe) strengthen our confidence so that we can pass along our faith.

Make a Disciple: Four questions (How Do We Create the Right Atmosphere? Who Do We Help? What Do We Share? How Does Discipling One-on-One Actually Work?) help us nurture a discipleship relationship.
The Gentle Art of Discipling Women will help each woman discover her unique gifting in discipleship through her relationship with God, her personality, and her story."

This book is divided into two main sections: Be A Disciple and Make A Disciple. I was a bit surprised when I first started reading this book - the first section, Be A Disciple, focuses on extremely basic principles of the Christian life. It started off as a bit of a slow read, however, it is a very good way to start the book - you can't disciple someone else if you yourself aren't grounded in the basic truths of the Christian faith. I appreciated that she took the time to make sure that we are fully versed in the basics of Christianity before we attempt to disciple others. The book really picked up and piqued my interest in the second section, Make A Disciple, which focuses on the main point of the book: the (gentle) art of discipling women. This gives very practical tips of discipling other women and I found it extremely helpful. I was able to glean several tips that I am excited to use in my discipling relationships. I highly recommend this to women's group leaders and mature Christian women who have the opportunity to disciple younger Christian women.

I received a copy of this book from Tyndale Blog Network in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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