The Entitlement Cure

The Entitlement Cure: Finding Success In Doing Hard Things The Right Way is Dr. John Townsend's latest book. I've read several of Cloud and Townsend's previous books, including Boundaries and Boundaries With Kids, and How People Grow, and loved them. I was super excited when I saw Dr. Townsend had come out with another book (this time on his own) and knew I'd want to read it right away. The book description reads:

"Today we live in a culture that says, 'Life should be easy and work well.' This attitude, called entitlement, influences our most important institutions: family, business, church, and government. Its devastating effects contribute to relational problems, work ethic issues, and emotional struggles. It comes down to this: People are not getting to where they want to go, because they don't know how to do life the hard way. Entitlement keeps them from tackling challenges and finding success. But whether readers are struggling with their own sense of entitlement or dealing with someone who acts entitled, The Entitlement Cure will equip them to turn away from a life of mediocrity to a life of engagement, satisfaction, and joy. Drawing from his experience as a counselor and leadership consultant, renowned psychologist and New York Times bestselling author Dr. John Townsend explores strategies for fighting entitlement, such as: Take a meaningful risk every week - Find ways to minimize regret - Grasp the value of keeping inconvenient commitments - Understand why saying 'I don t know' is the first step toward success. In a culture that encourages shortcuts and irresponsibility, The Entitlement Cure provides principles and skills to help you both navigate life with those around you who have an entitlement mindset and identify areas in your own life where you are stuck in 'easy way' living. Dr. Townsend will show you how to become successful, resolve obstacles in life, and help those around you. Ultimately, The Entitlement Cure provides practical tools for a life of success that works for anyone."

The Entitlement Cure is obviously an incredibly needed book for today. Society at large has bought into the attitude of entitlement in many areas of life - work, family, church, etc. Everyone feels like they're owed something and want life to just be easy. However, God's Word tells us that the life of a Christian is a paradox - to save our life we must lose it, we have to enter the narrow gate instead of the broad gate, and we are to praise God when we're persecuted and treated badly. God calls us to live a hard life, not an easy life - and ultimately, living the "hard life" leads to countless blessings and the favor of God on our lives. Dr. Townsend manages to boil this concept down into this very interesting and informative book. There are real-life examples and stories sprinkled throughout, which is part of what makes his books so interesting. I love reading practical examples of the concepts being discussed. This was a quick and easy read, but a book you'll want to savor and meditate on as you discover changes you need to make in your own life and personality. I highly recommend this book to every Christian.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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