One More Step

One More Step: Finding Strength When You Feel Like Giving Up is Rachel Wojo's debut print book (she's previously published two e-books). I'd never heard of Rachel Wojo before, but her book sounded encouraging and I always love a book that's part memoir/part Christian living, so I decided to check it out. Nothing is worse than a self-help book written by someone who's never actually gone through any major trials before, so I was relieved to discover that Rachel was coming from a place of experience - she's lost her mother, had a deeply painful failed first marriage, and has a special needs daughter and all that goes along with that. The back cover reads:

"Overcoming obstacles—one step at a time.

Life often sends hard things our way: illness, financial struggles, broken relationships, and so many kinds of loss. Sometimes we can’t imagine a way forward.

How do we keep going when everything is going wrong?

Rachel Wojo has learned that hope rises to greet us when we find the strength to take One. More. Step.

Like you, Rachel has faced experiences that crushed her dreams of the perfect life: a failing marriage, a daughter’s heartbreaking diagnosis, and more. In this book she transparently shares her pain and empathizes with yours, then points you to the path of God’s Word, where you’ll find hope to carry you forward. One More Step gives you permission to ache freely—and helps you believe that life won’t always be this hard. No matter the circumstances you face, through these pages you’ll learn to…
· run to God’s Word when discouragement strikes
· replace feelings of despair with the truth of Scripture
· persevere through out-of-control circumstances and gain a more intimate relationship with Jesus

Rachel identifies the reasons you may tempted to quit and shows you where to find the courage to keep going, one step at a time.

You’re not alone. So don’t give up. God won’t let you down. That’s a promise."

One More Step is split into 16 chapters. Each chapter begins with a quote from a hymn, which I loved. They end with a Pillars of Truth To Lean On and a Stepping Stone. These are designed to bring you deeper into the theme of each chapter. There's also a discussion guide at the end of the book, a "Thoughts To Keep You Going" section that summarizes main thoughts of each chapter into bite-size quotes, and Hymns Behind One More Step, which gives you information about all the hymns in the book and a link to an online hymn book to accompany One More Step. I really enjoyed this book. It's perfect for anyone going through a trial or who has gone through trials in the past. It's a quick, easy read and Rachel's conversational tone and open, honest writing style made it feel like I was chatting with a friend. I highly recommend this to any Christian woman going through a trial.

I received a copy of this book from Blogging For Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


  1. Thank you so much for reviewing One More Step, Denise! I truly appreciate it!


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