Through A Man's Eyes
Through a Man's Eyes: Helping Women Understand the Visual Nature of Men is Shaunti Feldhahn's latest offering (cowritten with Craig Gross). I've loved many of Shaunti's previous books, including For Women Only, The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages, and The Good News About Marriage. This book expands upon one of the principles in her earlier work, For Women Only, about the highly visual nature that is ingrained in men. This is a very difficult topic, and had trouble reading it - not because it was dry or unhelpful, but because it stirred up lots of uneasy feelings due to the hard truths that are shared! However, you will ultimately leave the book encouraged and better equipped to pray for and help not only your husband, but your sons. Chapters included are:
-What Men See
-Why Men Are So Visual
-Just Because They Want To Look Doesn't Make Them Jerks
-The Internal Outcome of External Attraction
-Different Men, Different Draw
-Nixing The Knee Jerk And Not Missing The Point
-Every Woman's Response
-The Wife's Response
-The Mom's Response
-Living In Hope
-Frequently Asked Questions
Shaunti and Craig take an incredibly honest and open position while discussing this extremely sensitive issue. I think as women, many of us have been hurt in some way or another over this subject - either via a boyfriend or husband's use of pornography or checking other women out, not to mention the constant bombardment of half naked women and sex through movies, commercials, billboards, magazine covers, etc. While this is a sensitive topic, they handle it skillfully and with care, while not leaving anything out. I think this is an essential must-read for every Christian wife and mom. Don't let fear or embarrassment keep you from discovering these great truths that Shaunti and Craig present.
I received a copy of this book from Blogging For Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
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