Lazarus Awakening

I was super excited to receive a copy of the third book in Joanna Weaver's Mary and Martha Bible study "trilogy", Lazarus Awakening. I have read and loved her two prior books, Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World and Having a Mary Spirit, and enjoyed them immensely. Somehow, however, it had escaped my knowledge that Weaver had written a final book in the series - Lazarus Awakening. As soon as I found out, I knew I had to read it - and I wasn't disappointed. The back cover reads:

"Now includes a bonus chapter!

For many of us, moving the truth of God’s love from our heads to our hearts is a lifelong process.

You believe that God loves the world…
but sometimes you wonder if He truly loves you.

In Lazarus Awakening, the final book in her life-changing Bethany trilogy, Joanna Weaver invites you to experience a divine shift in how you view your relationship with God.

Shattering spiritual formulas for performance-driven faith, Lazarus Awakening clears a path to sweet intimacy with Jesus. You’ll encounter the story of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus in a fresh way as you open your heart to the truth that you are cherished—apart from anything you accomplish, apart from anything you bring. Just as He called Lazarus forth to new life, Jesus wants to free you to live fully in the light of His love, unhindered by fear, regret, or self-condemnation.

This edition includes:
• a bible study guide for both individual reflection and group discussion
• a bonus chapter on laying aside everything that hinders your life with Jesus
• tools and resources for living fully and freely as God’s beloved

No more graveclothes, no more tombs… Love is calling your name."

First, I have to mention what a beautiful cover this book has. It's so inviting and really drew me in immediately. Lazarus Awakening is divided into 10 chapters, plus one bonus chapter, and includes a 10-week Bible study. It also has six appendices delving deeper into several of the topics touched on in the book. It's perfect for a private or group Bible study. I absolutely love Joanna's writing style. It's so compelling, fresh, and honest. It's what attracted me to her first two books, and thankfully, she hasn't lost her touch at all in this one. She has a special gift of drawing out meaning from Bible passages you've probably read hundreds of time and giving them a fresh new insight. I highly recommend Lazarus Awakening. You won't want to miss it.

I received a copy of this book from Blogging For Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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