Arms Open Wide

Arms Open Wide: A Call To Linger In The Savior's Presence is a wonderful devotional book by Sherri Gragg. This is an absolutely beautiful hardcover book with thick, glossy, color pages. It includes a dedication page and would make a beautiful gift book. It's divided into 34 chapters, so a little over a month's worth of devotions. They are written almost in a storytelling form, which makes the passages from the Bible come to life. Each devotional starts off with a Scripture page, then gives you a short portion of the Bible to read on your own before reading her devotional commentary on it, then finishes with a prayer at the end. There is also a glossary of potentially unfamiliar biblical terms in the back of the book.

I love this book. Sherri makes you feel like you were there when the Bible stories took place. She breathes a new life into passages you've probably read dozens of times. I love how carefully she brings you into the Jewish culture and understanding. The overarching theme of this book is this: God loves you because you're you, and he isn't in Heaven waiting to strike us down for every sin. Sometimes people can get caught up in a "rules based" religion, living in fear that God doesn't love them unless they behave. Sherri turns this idea on its head and shows us how much God truly loves and cares for us, even when we mess up. This is a very needful message for many women today. This is a unique devotional book. I highly recommend it to all Christian women.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


  1. Denise, Thanks for this lovely review of Arms Open Wide! I can't tell you how happy I am that you enjoyed my book. Thank you for taking the time to read it and write your kind review. Best, Sherri Gragg


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