Forgiving Our Fathers And Mothers by Leslie Leyland Fields (with Dr. Jill Hubbard) is one of the best books on forgiveness I've read in a long time. Each chapter details a different aspect to the parent/child relationship and need for forgiveness, followed by a word from Dr. Jill and study questions. I really enjoyed this format. It was like getting to the heart of the matter with Leslie, and then visiting a professional psychologist (Dr. Jill) to process your emotions afterward. Leslie uses her own real life story, plus the stories of others who have had difficult relationships with their parents, plus plenty of Scripture, to trace the path to forgiveness and healing.

This book really hit home for me. Warning: it will probably make you cry! Leslie's story, as well as all of the others, were alternately emotional, touching, sad, horrifying, and redeeming. I liked how Leslie brought practical tips to questions such as, "Do I have to forgive?", "How do I forgive?", "Why should I forgive?", "How do I honor a dishonorable parent?", and much, much more. I think just about anyone can benefit from this book, whether it's in regards to your own parents, or to help counsel others who have grown up in difficult circumstances. I'm looking forward to reading more from this author. Highly recommend!

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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