Crash The Chatterbox

When I first saw Crash The Chatterbox: Hearing God's Voice Above All Others by Steven Furtick, I was intrigued, because I have issues with negative thinking, worrying, and anxiety. I was excited to pick this one up and see what he had to say. This book is broken up into four sections, plus an intro, conclusion, discussion questions, and more: 1. God Says I Am; 2. God Says He Will; 3. God Says He Has; and 4. God Says I Can. It's basically a four step process to removing the negative, lying thoughts from our heads and replacing them with the true, positive, affirming thoughts from God.

I could definitely relate to Furtick's plight. Reading the ramblings from his head in the introduction could've been a snapshot into my own mind. I loved the clear guidelines he gave to replacing these thoughts with the "I Am, He Will, He Has, I Can" formula. It's more than just a trite "positive thinking" message that many so-called Christians promote these days. It's using God's Word to fill your mind and bring your focus back on the promises of God. I definitely will be benefitting from using these methods and this stays your mind on God throughout the day. I recommend this book to any Christian struggling with negative thoughts, feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness, anxiety, or fear.

I received a copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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