Mercy Triumphs

I can't even describe how excited I was when Jana Kelley announced the third book in her Side by Side Trilogy, Mercy Triumphs, was coming out! Side by Side and Door to Freedom are two of my all-time favorite books, and Mercy Triumphs didn't disappoint. The story continues for Mia, Halimah, Rania, and their families and friends. The back cover says:

"Three women. Three impossible circumstances. One merciful God. Mia, an American Christian, has lived in Sudan so long that persecution, harassment, and danger have become commonplace for her. Her tough outer shell threatens to harden her heart while her newly Christian friends, Halimah and Rania, former Muslims, are forced to live in exile outside Sudan. All three quickly discover that escaping danger in one place only means facing even greater challenges elsewhere. As God's mercy becomes evident in their lives, they must choose whether or not to offer mercy to those who don't deserve it. Third in a trilogy, Mercy Triumphs opens the reader's eyes to modern-day persecution and the life of Muslims in Sudan. Based on real-life events, Mercy Triumphs reveals some of the struggles Christians face when living under Islamic law. The reader will be inspired to pray for new believers, those who are persecuted for their faith, and even for the salvation of the persecutors."

Mercy Triumphs, and all of the books in this series, are so unique and interesting. I absolutely loved being transported to Sudan, Dubai, Kenya, and even Texas and getting to learn so much more about different cultures. I love all of the characters - Mia, Halimah, Rania, and the others - they are all so well drawn and fleshed out. Jana has a knack for drawing you into the storyline and I just couldn't stop turning the pages. Mercy Triumphs gives such a realistic and believable picture of Christian missionaries in primarily Islamic countries and the plight of Muslims who convert to Christianity. Not only do these books have a wonderful storyline, but they also gave me a heart toward missions, especially toward mission work to Muslims. I highly recommend Mercy Triumphs, as well as the entire Side by Side series.

I received a copy of this book from Litfuse in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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