He Calls You Beautiful

I've always been interested in the elusive Song of Solomon/Song of Songs. We don't necessarily hear tons of preaching and teaching on it, except sometimes in marriage classes or couples retreats. I was excited to do an entire Bible study on Song of Solomon with Dee Brestin's new book, He Calls You Beautiful: Hearing the Voice of Jesus in the Song of Songs. The back cover says:

"I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.…
—from the Song of Songs

Did you know that God loves you with a passion—and He wrote a love song to help you experience that love in a personal way?

Tucked away in the pages of Scripture is one of the most fascinating and most misunderstood books of the Bible: the Song of Songs. Although the Song of Songs details a passionate, earthly love story, it is intended to illuminate the best love story, the intense love God has for us, His beloved.

In He Calls You Beautiful, Bible teacher Dee Brestin explores this love song from God to reveal transformative truths for each of us, whether married, single, or widowed. With rich contemporary illustrations and insight from biblical scholars, Dee shows how God uses poetry and exquisite images to illuminate the intimacy that Jesus longs to have with you.

God calls you to know His love not only in your head but also in your heart. He sings over you a song of love, a song of salvation, a song of hope. A Song of songs.

Includes an in-depth Bible study for use individually or in a group setting."

I cannot say enough wonderful things about He Calls You Beautiful. It is just incredible! Just in the first chapter alone my heart was ministered to and I had an emotional and spiritual reaction. The book is divided into four sections - Overture: Yes, Jesus Loves Me!, First Love: And Can It Be?, Wilderness Love: Prone To Wander, and Invincible Love: It Is Well With My Soul. There are twelve chapters/lessons and each chapter has an in-depth Bible study at the end of it. There's also a video to watch for each chapter, which is a really nice addition to the study. This book can be done as a group study in a church or small group setting or on your own (how I am going through it). I really enjoyed Dee's insight into women in prisons and how this message has especially ministered to their hearts. Dee has such an accessible writing style and has mined the depths of the Song of Solomon to bring a deep Bible study for all women, married or unmarried. Dee mentions that some publishers didn't want to pick up this book because it is "too deep" for today's Christian women. Today's Christian women NEED books like this that are deep. Dumbing down the Scriptures just creates dumbed down Christians who don't know how to explain, defend, or live out their faith. Props to Dee for bringing the whole counsel of God to this book. I highly recommend He Calls You Beautiful to every Christian woman!

I received a copy of this book from Blogging For Books in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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