
I was interested in reading Known: Finding Deep Friendships in a Shallow World by Dick and Ruth Foth because I've been making a concerted effort to make new friendships and enhance the ones I currently have. I've increasingly felt more and more lonely, as friends move away and social media seems to cultivate shallow connections, but not actual deep, real friendships. It's divided into five sections: First Things (Recognize What's True About Life), Storytellers (Story Is the Soil from Which Friendship Grows), Affirmers (Hearing Your Story, I Learn How to Love You), and Covenanters (In a Throwaway Culture, Staying the Course Stands Out). The back cover says:

"In a shallow light-speed world, how can we really know and be known by another person? How do we make true friends?

The Digital Age is all about change, but the need for true friendship never changes. We are designed for real engagement with others---for affirmation that goes beyond a simple “like” on social media, for connection over meals, for hope and excitement about the future. Above all, we need to be known and accepted for who we are. But how do we find and maintain this kind of friendship in a fluid and frenetic culture?

In Known, Dick and Ruth Foth offer inspiration and proven practices that build relationships through personal storytelling, affirmation, covenant, and dreaming. They draw on years of mentoring, rich relationships, and the model of Jesus to show us why friendship is one of the keys to a full life and the greatest gift we can give to each other."

I absolutely loved this book! After reading it, I want to be friends with Dick and Ruth! Dick's writing style is fun and funny, and very interesting and easy to read. I loved Ruth's input because I'm an introvert like her. While I desire and long for close friends, I want to have a small circle of very close friends and prefer to interact in small groups or one-on-one, and I need time to "recharge" afterwards. I enjoy that Dick acknowledges the downfalls and pitfalls of social media, as I've seen it have a negative effect on my life and friendships. I want to return to a world of real, deep, close, and lasting friendships, and this book is a wonderful tool in the toolbox. Highly recommended!

I received a copy of this book from Blogging For Books in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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