The Jesus Club

I initially decided to pick up The Jesus Club by Brian Barcelona because my oldest son is a freshman in high school, and happens to currently attend a public high school in California. I was curious to see how Brian was breaking in to share Jesus with high school students because my experience has been that public schools in California are very anti-Christian and it is very difficult to share anything about Jesus, the Bible, or prayer in public schools. The book description says:

"How a Simple Act of Obedience Is Igniting Revival in Our Nation's Schools

What happens when a teenage convert from atheism hears a challenge from the Lord--and decides to act on it? This true story is the catalyst for a move of God that is taking the high schools of America for Jesus.

Brian Barcelona, a dynamic leader on the forefront of youth evangelism, recounts how he answered God's call on his life with dramatic and miraculous results. Just a few months out of high school, Brian obeyed God's directive to return to his alma mater and preach the gospel to the kids in the Bible club. Suddenly lives began to be changed. Hearts were saved. Numbers grew. Soon other schools joined in, sparking a youth revival in which thousands of teens are letting Jesus heal their lives.

This remarkable story will inspire you to reach out to others, particularly young people, and believe that God will equip you for the call he gives you. Let your heart be energized through simple acts of obedience and watch as God does mighty things!"

I absolutely loved this book. I picked it up, figuring I'd read a chapter or two to start, and literally just couldn't put it down and read it in just a few hours. I was amazed at Brian's story and how he has followed and obeyed God, even when it didn't make sense to him. I was inspired and motivated to do more to reach high school students in my own community. The open doors Brian has found have truly been making a difference in seeing the salvation of thousands of teenagers. I appreciate his focus on changed lives - someone who claims salvation but has no change in their life has not truly received salvation.

However, there is a caveat to this book, and I lowered the review by one star due to it. I want to know what has happened to these thousands of converts - were they baptized after their salvations? Were they directed to and become members of a local church to continue their discipleship and walk with Christ? Were they given Bibles? The theology seemed a bit shaky at times as well. Brian doesn't appear to believe in eternal security, and makes claims of healings. Obviously I believe Jesus can heal people, but I'd like to see some documentation to back up these claims. This is a great book to read to learn about Brian's ministry and get inspired to reach high schoolers, but it would've been improved with more details for sure.

I received a copy of this book from Cross Focused Reviews in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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