Pursuing Gold

Pursuing Gold: A Novel of the Civil War by Cynthia L. Simmons is set, as the title suggests, during the Civil War. The story kicks off in 1862 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. This books offers a unique historically accurate glimpse into the time period while providing a compelling fictional storyline. The back cover reads:

"With his father dead and his business partner incapacitated, Peter Chandler inherits the leadership of a bank in economic crisis. With only a newly-minted college degree and little experience, Peter joins his partner’s daughter, Mary Beth Roper, in a struggle to keep C&R Bank afloat while the Civil War rages around Chattanooga. Political pressure for unsecured loans of gold to the government stirs up trouble as tempers and prices rise. Their problems multiply when Mary Beth discovers counterfeit money with Peter’s forged signature. Can they find the forger before the bank fails? The two friends must pursue gold on behalf of their business, as they learn to pursue their heavenly Father to find hope and peace."

Pursuing Gold is a blend of mystery, suspense, romance, and history. I really enjoyed being transported to this time period - I haven't read a lot of books set in this era, so this was an enjoyable new type of book for me. It started off a little slow for me, but once I got into it it was an enjoyable read. The characters were fleshed out pretty well, and I enjoyed Cynthia's attention to historical detail and how she made everything feel authentic and real. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical Christian fiction, especially if you like a bit of intrigue in your books.

I received a copy of this book from Litfuse in order to provide an honest and unbiased review. All opinions are my own.


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