With All Due Respect

I was really interested in reading With All Due Respect: 40 Days to a More Fulfilling Relationship With Your Teens & Tweens by Nina Roesner and Debbie Hitchcock because I have a just-turned 14 year old who has always been a difficult child and is now a difficult teenager. I have tried many different tactics, but I hadn't tried this one yet. The concept intrigued me and I liked the way it was broken up into a 40 day challenge. I love it when there's a clear cut plan laid out that I can follow step by step, broken down into specific actions. The book description reads: "With All Due Respect is a handbook for parents navigating the difficulties of the tween and teen years. Roesner and Hitchcock help parents identify what successful relationships look like and give easy-to-follow lessons in enforcing rules, communicating lovingly, resetting relationships, overcoming fears and exhaustion, and handling rebellion. Each day features a story every mom can relate to, down-to...