The Daniel Prayer

Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham, has written a definitive book on prayer and revival - The Daniel Prayer: Prayer That Moves Heaven And Changes Nations. I think most Christians today would agree that America is in great, great need of prayer and revival. But while that is a desperate need, this book is also a call for revival in our own personal prayer lives. I've been feeling a lack of power, fire, and zeal in my prayer life lately, so I was eager to read this book for a refresher on passionate prayer. The book description reads:

"Many people today find that their prayers don’t “work.” And like a broken cell phone, DVD player, or TV remote, they throw prayer out as unnecessary “clutter” in their busy lives. Anne Graham Lotz has found that while prayer does work, sometimes the “pray-ers” don’t. So she has turned to the prophet Daniel for help.

The Daniel Prayer is born deep within your soul, erupts through your heart, and pours out on your lips, words created by and infused with the Spirit of God quivering with spiritual electricity. It’s really not an everyday type of prayer. It’s a prayer birthed under pressure. Heartache. Grief. Desperation. It can be triggered by a sudden revelation of hope. An answer to prayer, a promise freshly received, a miracle that lies just over the horizon…

Join Anne in a thrilling discovery of prayer that really works.

This book will help readers pray effectively for their nation, for their families, and for themselves. She will answer such questions as:

Does God only hear the prayers of good people?
How do I know the God to whom I pray will listen?
How do I know God cares about my prayer?
How do I know God will answer my prayer?
Why should I pray?
Does it matter where I am when I pray?
Are words in prayer all that matter, or does my attitude affect prayer?
What difference does my prayer make?
The book also includes some of her original prayers that demonstrate the principles taught in The Daniel Prayer."

This is the first book I've ever read by Anne Graham Lotz (surprisingly, because I read a TON of books and I like Billy Graham), but I wasn't disappointed. Anne has a way of communicating truths that is compelling, fresh, and easy to read. There are also lined pages in the back for writing down your own prayers, which is a nice touch. I believe that a lack of focus on passionate, powerful prayer is one of the main problems or ills with the church today. Like Anne communicates in this book, we have the power of the Almighty Father at our fingertips, but we have to tap into it to receive the blessings and answers to our prayers. I enjoyed the theme of the life of Daniel. He's the perfect example of a trusting, faithful prayer life and Anne does a great job bringing him to life and culling important principles from his story. I highly recommend this book to any Christian looking to seriously pray - for themselves, for others, for our nation - and I hope this book brings on the beginning of a new prayer revolution.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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