Chase Away Cancer

Chase Away Cancer: A Powerful True Story of Finding Light in a Dark Diagnosis by Ellie Poole Ewoldt is the heartwarming, yet heart wrenching story of a family dealing with a crushing diagnosis: their two year old son, Chase, is diagnosed with a rare and extremely aggressive form of brain cancer. At first I was a bit reluctant to read this book because I was worried it would be depressing or difficult to read. After all, I can't think of a sadder story than a tiny child having to deal with such a horrible and debilitating disease with such a small chance for survival. However, I couldn't have been more wrong. Chase Away Cancer was, of course, sad, but it was also uplifting and I was so blessed and encouraged by reading it. The book description reads:

"You may think you know how this cancer story goes. The characters: a little boy, a loving family, the team of doctors. The diagnosis: terminal, little hope for a cure. There are two possible outcomes. Will his family be plunged into extreme sorrow or miraculous joy?

What if the answer was both?

Ellie Poole Ewoldt debuts with a memoir of desperate hope and fierce love; of a family who refused to give up even when they heard the worst possible news for their two-year-old son, Chase. Moment by moment, the Ewoldts faced brain surgery and chemo, spinal taps and transfusions. And yet, the true miracle lay not in the medicine or Chase’s prognosis―rather, Chase’s life shows us the miracle of hope, even through the darkest nights. If there is anything he and the Ewoldts have learned, it is that God is always good and will stay at your side through every moment, no matter what it holds.

You’ll fall in love with Chase through his story and be inspired to help chase away cancer―for this headstrong boy, his fighting friends, and all those in your own life who need hope for whatever tomorrow may bring."

I was so touched by this book. Once I picked it up and read the first page, I just couldn't put it down until I was finished. In fact, I didn't want it to end! I ended up finishing it in just one day. This is the type of book that you can pick up and read in an afternoon. I was so anxious to find out how Chase was doing and what happened in the end. After putting this book down, I immediately looked up Ellie's blog and subscribed to it so that I can keep up with Chase and his current health. Ellie has such a way with words and I was so encouraged and blessed by her faith. I loved how she ended each chapter with a bit of hope and some words of wisdom. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading memoirs. It's one of the best memoirs I've read in a long time.

I received a copy of this book from Tyndale Blog Network in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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