7 Secrets To An Awesome Marriage

I make it a point to read as many marriage books as possible, especially Christian-based marriage books, because every marriage can use improvement and I always want to learn as much as I can so I can be the best wife possible. So when I saw 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage: Strengthen Your Most Intimate Relationship by Dr. Kim Kimberling (foreward by Craig & Amy Groeschel), I knew it would be a good book to add to my collection. The book description reads:

"All of us want an enduring marriage, a beautiful marriage we can believe in. That kind of marriage happens through intimacy. Intimacy requires hard work and a guide. Dr. Kim Kimberling is that guide and this book and its tools will show you how communication and intimacy in marriage can be yours.

Kimberling offers insights like connecting every day in spite of what’s in the way, learning how to fight in the right ways, stopping the insanity of doing the same thing over and over even when it isn’t working, and finding that the best sex ever is well within the context of Christian marriages.

Once these 7 secrets are a part of your marriage, you can stand together and fight anything that would ever try to tear your marriage apart.

Whether you have just celebrated your first anniversary or your fiftieth, 7 Secrets to an Awesome Marriage by Dr. Kim Kimberling is for you. If you have a good marriage, this book can help you have a great marriage. If you are struggling, Kim Kimberling will help you turn the corner and make your marriage into what you want it to be."

7 Secrets was a pretty quick and easy read. It has many basics that will help newlywed couples, but enough deep content to help couples who have been married for many years. My favorite part was the fact that he used real-life stories from married couples interspersed throughout the book to help illustrate the principles and how couples worked through their problems. It's always easier for me to apply principles when there are examples given, and Dr. Kimberling did a great job at that.

The seven steps he gives are: Stop (the insanities that hold us back), Start (the practice of putting God first, spouse second),
Connect (the art of listening and being present), Engage (how to fight right), Balance (scheduling for a better marriage), Mingle (sex as the mingling of souls), and Fight (the power of fighting together on the same team). Simple steps for sure, but steps that every marriage can benefit from in some way. Dr. Kimberling writes in a direct, forthright manner that is easy to follow. I highly recommend this book to any married or engaged couple who wants a Christian point of view on marriage.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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