Lazarus Awakening DVD Study Pack

I recently read and reviewed Joanna Weaver's (revised, updated) book, Lazarus Awakening, and loved it - so when I saw there was a companion DVD and study guide pack, I knew right away I wanted to check it out! This package come with a 3-disc DVD package and a companion study guide for the Lazarus Awakening book. The DVDs were beautifully filmed in the Holy Land, which makes this even more special. The product description reads:

"Journey to the Tomb of Lazarus…and Hear Jesus Call Your Name

Mary worshiped. Martha served. But what did Lazarus do to experience Jesus’s lavish love?

Filmed in the Holy Land, this DVD companion to Joanna Weaver’s book Lazarus Awakening explores the incredible truth that Jesus loves us apart from our works or our worthiness. He wants to call us out of our tombs and into friendship with Him.

Designed for use with the book and companion study guide, this three-disc DVD Bible study is formatted for both individual and group use, with content suitable for both men and women.
· In-depth Bible study: Features eight 15- to 17-minute video sessions.
· Bonus “Israel Moment” videos explore the life of Christ and the Holy Land.
· Designed for use with the study guide and book.
· Leader’s guide, promotional material, and retreat format included."

This companion DVD pack is the perfect complement to Weaver's book, Lazarus Awakening. There are eight weeks of sessions (which you can streamline with the book as well; the book has instructions for studying it in an eight week format) and bonus content. The study guide gives you plenty of space to write and take notes in, which I appreciate - I am an avid note taker! I truly believe you will get the absolute most out of Lazarus Awakening by using this companion DVD set and study guide. I can't recommend it enough. The DVDs are very professionally produced and I love seeing the sites of the Holy Land. The questions in the study guide are deep and thought provoking. Get this set to go with your copy of Lazarus Awakening - it will truly deepen your understanding of the story of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus.

I received a copy of this product from Blogging For Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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