
After a long wait, I finally received my copy of Unplanned by Abby Johnson (co-written by Cindy Lambert). I was super excited to read this book after hearing so much about it. It sounded amazing - a dramatic conversion from pro-choice Planned Parenthood director, to pro-life advocate working with the Coalition For Life. The book is the story of Abby's life - from a naive college girl signing up to volunteer as an escort at Planned Parenthood, to directing that Planned Parenthood clinic she used to volunteer at. Along the way she had two abortions, a failed marriage, and a remarriage. Abby is very honest with her story and doesn't hold anything back. She describes her journey from fierce Planned Parenthood advocate to the day she was called in to assist with an ultrasound guided abortion procedure. After that day and viewing the procedure up close and personal, she decided to quit her job and ran to the local Coalition For Life for help.

This is just an amazing story. I couldn't put it down. In fact, I got several books in the mail yesterday and was planning to read another one first, but decided to read just the first chapter of Unplanned to see what it was like, and finished reading it less than 24 hours later. It's hard to believe Abby could have been in the pro-choice movement for so long. I appreciated the fact that she was so open with telling all the difficult details of her story, including the abortions she had had in the past. Parts of the book made me laugh and parts made me cry. I believe this is a very important book to read for people on both sides of "the fence". We really aren't that different, and in fact both sides want to help women. The one part I found a bit unbelievable is how her husband was very conservative and religious yet had no problem "depending on her income from Planned Parenthood" (his words). I feel like it was really a cop out on his part to marry a woman directing a Planned Parenthood and then rely on her "blood money" to keep up their lifestyle. I found that rather odd and inconsistent with how he lived his life in general and felt about abortion. However, I'm thrilled with the work God has done with Abby, her family, and the pro-life movement in general. I hope this book helps further the cause.

I received a copy of this book from Tyndale Blog Network in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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