Tell Me About Prayer

Tell Me About Prayer by Stephen Elkins is the latest title in the Train 'Em Up series for kids. Other titles in the series include: Baptism, Bible, Church, Faith, Grace, Praise & Worship, and Salvation. The description reads:

"Train ’Em Up is an interactive, fun-filled, and affordable series that uses a train locomotive theme for teaching kids core Christian beliefs and principles. In Tell Me about Prayer, a friendly train conductor, Mr. Steve, teaches kids what prayer is all about, how we should talk to God, and why our conversations are so important to Him. Through bold graphics and interactive songs and stories, Train ’Em Up makes it easy for parents and teachers to explain biblical concepts like prayer in a way that helps with attention, memorization, and recall while building a solid faith foundation. Each book in the series includes a CD with sing-along songs and narrated stories with sound effects, plus a colorful sticker sheet!"

This is the first book of the series I've read so far, but I'm definitely interested in reading the rest of the books in the series with my children now. At just $4.99, these softcover books are an excellent value - they're a great length (this one is 24 pages), and also include stickers and a CD including kids Bible songs that go with the theme. I got this book for my 4 year old son and he loved it. He enjoyed decorating the pages with the included sticker sheet and was super excited about the CD full of songs. It's a full length, 14 song CD and the songs included are: Get on Board, Little Children; The Lord's Prayer; Train Up a Child; Father, We Thank Thee; Whisper a Prayer; Standing in the Need of Prayer; Ask, Seek, and Knock; O Give Thanks; Come to Me; Pray in the Spirit; We Should Pray; Never Give Up; If My People Pray; and Ask Anything. He thoroughly enjoyed me reading this book to him and looking at the beautiful pictures. I am also going to read this to my 6 year old daughter - it is good for her age as well. This book explains the concept and purpose of prayer, as well as how to pray, in simple terms any child can understand and process. There are Bible verses included throughout the text. The end of the book has questions to ask your child to reinforce the concepts and a prayer you can pray with your child at the end. I was a little surprised that the term "Yahweh" was used a couple times in the book - it's a bit different for a very young child who has always referred to God and Jesus - but it's a great teaching moment as well to share all the different names of God and what they mean. I highly recommend this high quality, inexpensive book to any Christian parent looking to share basic truths of the faith with their young children. Probably best for ages 3-6.

I received a copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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