
Noah is a wordless picture book by Mark Ludy. I've never reviewed a wordless picture book before, so it's a bit different of a genre, but I selected this book because I have a 4 year old, 6 year old, and 8 year old and thought especially my 4 year old son would like this book because he loves the story of Noah and the ark. The book description reads:

"Mark Ludy’s latest book will appeal to adults and children alike. Digging deeper than the Sunday school tale of cuddly animals on Noah’s ark, the story follows the biblical text and illumines Noah’s relationship with God, his wife, family, nature, and humanity. Ludy’s world-class artwork lets people see, as though for the first time, the beauty within this story - revealing a clearer picture of the nature and character of God and his relationship to humankind. It’s immersive and epic in scale and scope. The wordless format invites conversation and storytelling, key building blocks of literacy. And as with his previous books, Ludy’s signature mouse Squeakers appears hidden on every page."

My 4 year old did enjoy looking at the pictures in this book. It was a bit difficult to narrate, though. Some scenes were confusing and I wasn't sure exactly what they portrayed. I expected more of a children's level, Sunday school approach to the story that would be easily narrated by me - or self narrated by the child looking through the pictures - something easy for a young child to pick up and imagine with. However, it felt more geared toward older children or adults. As other reviewers noted, some of the pictures were too dark and scary for very young children. However, the artwork was beautiful and Ludy is a very talented illustrator. I'd recommend this book for older children, and brush up on Noah's entire life, because the book starts when he's a baby. This is a large, rather long (for a picture book), sturdy hardcover that's a beautiful piece of art. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this book from Handlebar Marketing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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