The One Year Devotions For Active Boys

The One Year Devotions For Active Boys by Jesse Florea is an engaging devotional book for tween boys that promises to keep their attention and teach them important truths from God that they can apply to their daily lives.

The description reads:

"This fun devotional includes 365 upbeat devotions, each with a special twist or dose of humor to keep active boys engaged. The devotions combine Scripture and a spiritual message with jokes, riddles, puzzles, and hands-on activities to engage tween boys. The devotions help boys find how real people interacted with God and help them discover solutions to contemporary issues. Each devotion will help guide a young man in developing a lifetime habit of learning from the Bible. Themes include how to navigate the Bible, make good choices, discern God's will, use good and uplifiting language, avoid temptation, choose good friends, trust God, etc."

I selected this book for my 12 year old son, hoping it would help him to have a more regular devotional time. Each devotional includes a brief story, an application to your daily life, a game, riddle, puzzle, etc, a prayer starter, and ends with a Bible verse. My son is really enjoying this book. It's quick and easy to read (less than 5 minutes a day), and helps teach important character qualities and biblical principles. My only complaint about this book is that I wish it had a bit more Scripture in it. Each devotional has just one short verse at the bottom of each page. It's labeled as "Life's Guidebook Says", as opposed to "The Bible says". Minor complaint, but something to take into consideration. This is a good book that I'd recommend for boys ages 8-12.

I received a copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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