"I found a lump"

"I found a lump". Those are the last words you want to hear your doctor say when you have your yearly physical. And truthfully, probably the last words you expect to hear your doctor say at your yearly physical. Especially when you're young, like I am (30). But many women, including myself, do hear those words. And they're scary. Our natural response to finding a lump in our breast is to automatically think "breast cancer" - especially if you have a family history of breast cancer, which I do. My grandma had triple negative breast cancer in her 60s, which puts me at a higher risk of developing breast cancer myself. (She's doing great now and has passed her 5 year remission point, by the way!) If you're like me and you or your doctor find a lump in your breast, you will probably turn to the internet for information while awaiting your testing (ultrasound and/or mammogram). The internet is a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you can find lots of ...