The Hope Quotient

The Hope Quotient by Ray Johnston is a unique new book for Christians. Pastor Johnston lays out in this book why hope is important, why people are deficient in it, and most importantly, how you can raise your hope level. This piqued my interest as I can sometimes have feelings of hopelessness and I haven't really ever read a book quite like this. It's an intriguing concept. It includes the Hope Quotient test, which measures your hope levels in seven different areas and helps you learn how to raise the levels in the specific areas you're deficient in. The seven factors he reviews are:

Factor 1: Recharge Your Batteries Nobody does well running on empty.

Factor 2: Raise Your Expectations You don’t get what you deserve; you get what you expect.

Factor 3: Refocus on the Future It’s time to throw away your rearview mirror. No one goes forward well when they are looking back.

Factor 4: Play to Your Strengths Be yourself; everyone else is taken.

Factor 5: Refuse to Go It Alone Never underestimate the power of support. Even the Lone Ranger had Tonto.

Factor 6: Replace Burnout with Balance Burning the candle at both ends isn’t as bright as you think.

Factor 7: Play Great Defense Avoid these five toxic hope killers that can threaten your future.

I really enjoyed this book. I think anyone can benefit from these principles. I loved the Hope Quotient test and am eager to apply some of these principles to my life. Hope is a very important aspect to physical, spiritual, and mental health and I believe this is a very needed book at this time.

I received a copy of this book from BookLook bloggers in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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