Your Heart's Desire

Your Heart's Desire by Sheri Rose Shepherd promises to impart "14 truths that will forever change the way you love and are loved" - an ambitious goal, to be sure, and one that intrigued me. This is a book that is designed to either be a standalone read or used as a small group study. It's broken up into 14 chapters and each include a truth, Love Coaching, a prayer, a Love Letter, and Treasure of Truth. There are small group questions and interactive videos included for each chapter. This is a lovely book. The cover and packaging is very attractive and would make a nice gift, as well. This is definitely a book for the broken to heal - the back cover describes this as a book for the married woman who desires more for her marriage, the single woman who wants a godly man to love her, and the divorced woman who wants to find love again. Subsequently, this isn't the typical "have a happy marriage" book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Sheri's story of a tumultuous marriage and the aftermath. It was refreshing to have a Christian leader to transparent, open, honest, and real about their own love, life, and faith struggles. I felt like I could really relate to Sheri, not having grown up in a stable Christian home myself as well. I highly recommend this book to any Christian woman who has had ups and downs in their marriage and is looking for real help. This book is replete with Scriptures and is at the same time admonishing and encouraging. I received this book from Tyndale House in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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