Emma Of Aurora

Emma Of Aurora: The Complete Change And Cherish Trilogy by Jane Kirkpatrick is a sweeping, epic saga about the life of Emma Wagner Giesy and is based on a true story. This giant book (over 1,000 pages altogether) is really three books now available in one volume: A Clearing In The Wild, A Tendering In The Storm, and A Mending At The Edge, plus various Author's Notes, Bibliographies, Suggested Reading, Glossaries, etc. These three books span the life of Emma Wagner Giesy, a woman who belongs to a colony of Christian believers who live together and have all things in common. Emma is headstrong and has her own ideas about Christianity, women, marriage, men, and many other things, and is strong willed and not afraid of sharing her opinions. As such, she develops a strained relationship with the colony over time and at times her stubbornness leads to her great discomfort. I absolutely loved these books. I'm not the biggest historical fiction fan, however, these books sucked me in and wouldn't let me go. I couldn't put this saga down and read the whole thing is just a few days. Don't let the sheer size of this volume scare you - it is a quick read and a total page turner. You will want to keep reading to find out what will happen next in Emma's tumultuous and sometimes tragic life. The feel of these books are very authentic. I feel as if Emma herself wrote them. That can be something that lacks in historical fiction that absolutely didn't happen in these books. I was very pleased with the authenticity of the books and feel like they got extremely close to the truth of Emma's life. I highly recommend this trilogy. You won't regret reading it. I received a copy of this book from Blogging For Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


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